sábado, abril 07, 2018

Learn to Earn by Peter Lynch

  • Simple arithmetic can be used to tell the story of a company.
  • Saving money from an early age is the key to future prosperity. 
  • Stocks is the best move a person can make.
  • Investing is fun. It's interesting. Learning about it can be a enriching experience, in more ways than one.
  • Savings equals investment.
  • Those who save and invest for the future will be more prosperous in the the future than those who run out and spend all the money they get their hands on.
  • How much money you put to work by saving it and investing it?
  • The more you invest the better off you'll be, and the nation will be better off as well, because your money will help create new businesses and more jobs. 
  • The formal name for a company is "corporation".
  • To form a corporation is easy.
  • Public companies are everywhere, and they surround you from morning to night.
  • You can invest in The Simpsons by buying shares in Rupert Murdoch's Newscorp.
  • Greatest method ever invented to allow masses of people to participate in the growth and prosperity of a country.

jueves, marzo 29, 2018

Sociedad del Conocimiento y mi rol como profesional en la sociedad

Mi hoja de vida debería reflejar la capacidad de superarme, sobrevivir y competir. Que he desarrollado actitudes y destrezas para la Investigación Científica. Que soy capaz de apropiarme, crear y divulgar conocimiento.

El Futuro ya está aquí y es digital.
Gestión de la información.
Gestión sobre los procesos.
Segunda Revolución de la Información: es una revolución de conceptos.